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CHE Adjunct Professor Nir Goldman Named American Physical Society Fellow

CHE Adjunct Professor Nir Goldman has been named an American Physical Society Fellow

Goldman specifically was honored with the fellowship for his development of novel quantum mechanical approaches to processes in shocked organic materials, dense fluids and chemical reactions related to the origins of life.

Goldman’s regular appointment is in the Materials Science Division of the Physical and Life Sciences Directorate at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. His research centers on novel approaches to semi-empirical quantum simulations and reactive force fields. This includes the following application areas:

  • Astrobiological synthesis of life-building compounds under extreme thermodynamic conditions;
  • Modeling of laser-driven dynamic compression experiments related to high pressure-temperature materials properties;
  • Corrosion on metal and metal-oxides due to atmospheric gases;
  • Aging and degradation of polymeric materials.

The APS Fellowship Program was created to recognize members who may have made advances in physics through original research and publication, or made significant innovative contributions in the application of physics to science and technology. They may also have made significant contributions to the teaching of physics or service and participation in the activities of the Society.

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